Recrear la Historia

Where is Recrear
La Historia?

Bigger textIs Located just 6 miles from Colonia in the Real de San Carlos. The heart of the Spanish resistance. The site, from which the troops under then Governor Ceballos, were stationed for over 16 years to regain the jewel of silver for the king of Spain.

In the same place, where the shipping
entrepreneur Nicholas Mihanovich Jr., placed
its Resort, the Bull Ring, reminiscent of
blackberries, the Basque ball court, his
dream of turning Colonia in the Southern
Cone Biarritz.

Train Station that projected, but not enough to build, stands today outside the Bull Ring, as a continuation and tribute to his work. Containing in its premises, memories of that golden age, the Complex and the railways, which in early twentieth century, also shone with light. Providing some of the amenities that the Establishment of Real de San Carlos used, toast, drinks, food, good music, and entertainment ...

A first step to recorver this wanderful place that used to be the Real de San Carlos.

Recrear la Historia
Gift Shop

Bigger textEvery museum has a gift shop, which offers a varied selection of memories of the unforgettable moment that we live to remember tomorrow or share with a friend.
So, if you could travel back in time, can not return to the XXI century without a memory, a piece of history, that pose looked upon him or to use it, do it to feel the taste of that time more glamorous, stronger, and romantic ...

Railroad library and bookstore

Bigger textIf your visit trough the past with the wagons and station is not enough. If you want to enter to the fantastic Trains World, into Nicolas Mianovich dream or in the life of these countries in the erliest twentieth Century. A wagon full of ancient texts, journals and publications of the period, pictures and postcards stale, are waiting for you. All exposed to view. All digitilized, so you can easily access to the material...